Monday, September 30, 2013

Lessons learned in my own four walls:::Who says home schooling is just for kids?!

I have officially celebrated a year of marriage! Where has the time gone?! I still quite fondly and vividly remember courting my love, and the moments of waiting (Rather impatiently, let's be honest) til the big day I could finally yell at all the other girls that he was mine<3

I wouldn't take back one moment of learning, loving and growing together that we have had.
Good and bad, they have all worked together to bring us closer together, even if it took longer some days;)

So, what are the lessons I have learned over the last year in my own home?!

1) Your husband is entirely perfect until 10 months of marriage. After that you're pretty sure he's down to 95% perfect;) 

2) Stuff breaks. Money runs away. Learn to smile through the trials and not let them stress you out more than needs to be.

3) Love on that man. There will be days you want/need a hug, lovings or just a went timed kiss, and yet in walks a tired Hubby, with no desire to do anything but take a nap, or watch a movie. Realize you both have needs and learn to fulfill yours by ministering to his<3 It's not always easy at first, but it's totally worth it.

4) Don't go to bed angry or upset if you can possibly help it. We promised each other before we got married that we wouldn't do this, and had already broken it pretty early on. Thankfully the times are few and far between. Our pride isn't worth sleeping alone on one side of the bed. There is nothing better at the end of the day, especially a rough one, than being curled up in your lovers arms.

5) Don't forget the little love notes on mirrors or in lunches. If you are feeling tired and worn down, more than likely your Hubby is too! You will feel more loved the more you love others, so keep up those happy texts and love notes. You will never regret the few seconds it takes to make it happen<3

6) Try to keep the house mostly clean and some sort of a meal on the table….Ahh, meal planning is my nemesis….we really don't like each other. The more I try to bond with her the more she laughs at me.
But, already having everything done and ready when he gets home so you can put your full attention  on him makes it all worthwhile. 

7) Make sure to find out what is truly important to him and be considerate of his thoughts and wants.
Are you expecting? Does he want to be at the appointments? Does he care if just the two of you go to find out the gender, or if you include family? 

7A) Don't take his interest in your health as a personal slam…Being diabetic I can get defensive when my levels are off a little bit and he sees this, because the first thing he wants to know is what I ate, why I ate it and am I going to do it again. This is a hard light to be seen under, but especially being pregnant, it is a necessary one. See his concern for what it is. Loving care for you and his unborn child.
Feel loved, even if it's tough;)

8) Don't. Be. So. Sensitive.
I really thought guys cared more about my feelings. lol. Some days they realllllly do! And it's wonderful! Now, remember that and give them space on the days they are more involved with their own stresses. You generally are their first priority, it just may not seem that way to you. We as girls see them all caught up in work, and get ruffled cause they don't want time with us. They see it as trying to provide the best they can and needing to get all that stuff done in order to spend QUALITY time with you, free from work responsibilities.

9) Forgive. No matter what it is, no matter how right you were or wrong. Forgive and FORGET. 
No matter if he SHOULD have remembered, he didn't. So pay him back by never letting him forget it? Or make up and be happy curled up in your sweethearts arms? Which would you prefer?
Also, would you want to come home to a man always nagging about your mistakes in the past? Than treat him as you would like to be treated:) Greet him with arms wide open and full of love.

10) Always remember that while you love your husband to the ends of the earth and back, you are in fact still doing everything to serve the Lord. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men" Colossians 3:23… Man kind in general will ALWAYS fail us, even the Love of our lives, but our precious Lord and Savior never will. 

11) Pray without ceasing. No matter what you are going through, always pour your heart out to the Great I Am. The peace that comes with humbling yourself and pouring out your heart to a mighty God is beyond words. Every time Jimmy and I have ever dealt with an issue and my heart was torn and my emotions crazy, I didn't have peace until the Lord and I had an hour or so alone. During that time God showed me how to be the best wife, how to stay true to my convictions while honoring my husband, how to wisely handle situations that might be looming in my path. I have always left these sessions feeling whole, ready and armed for the next day and full of peace. Now, chances are, you will be right back for more the next morning;) Have you ever heard of a soldier who only needed one hour of sleep to prepare for a week long battle? No, so don't expect to hold up to that yourself either. Constantly draw from our Saviors strength.

I am praying for you all and I always appreciate your prayers as well, as we all travel down the road of life<3 Thankful for the brothers and sisters who are there to encourage and lift up those around them<3 

Praying always to be a wife that brings my Husband Honor and my God Glory<3

In His name,


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